4 Bottles

Cat Friendly Practice in Oxford

Our feline friends are unique creatures, and at Bottletree Animal Hospital in Oxford, we recognize just how special they are. That's why we have pursued certification as a Cat Friendly Practice, with Cat Friendly Certified veterinarians and staff leading our initiative to provide better care for cats.

One of the most common reasons pet owners cite for not bringing their cats to the vet is that it is difficult to get cats situated into their carriers for transport. Our veterinarians are here to help you get your cat accustomed to traveling in their carrier and also to get them feeling comfortable using it. Below are some special tips our team members have put together for you:

Acclimating Your Cat to Their Carrier

  • Make sure the carrier is clean, open, and available to your cat at all times. It should be in a comfortable area of the house and in an area that is frequently visited.

  • Pheromone spray (Feliway) may be used daily in and around the carrier and the bedding in the carrier (The spray gives them the calming feeling of a nursing mom.) Some older cats enjoy catnip, which can be used instead of the pheromone spray. Pheromone sprays are sold right at our practice, for your convenience.

  • We recommend feeding in the carrier intermittently and placing cat treats in the carrier on a regular basis for them to find.

  • When the cat goes in to eat, close the door to the carrier, and open it when they have finished eating. The idea is to make it a positive experience.

  • You may close the door for longer periods of time, then pet and praise the cat while they are in and being let out of the carrier.

  • As the cat gets used to being in the carrier, start lifting it and carrying it to other locations in the house, then let them out and pet and praise them.

Doctor With Cat

Schedule a Visit for Your Feline Friend

Our Cat Friendly Certified veterinarians love providing anxiety-free care to our feline friends at Bottletree Animal Hospital in Oxford. Our cat vets love your feline friends and are always pleased to provide exceptional, cat-specific care to them. Just like dogs, cats are recommended for veterinary care at least once or twice per year to make sure they are healthy and living to their full potential.

Please call us at (662) 234-4336 to make an appointment and ask our team any questions you may have about your feline’s fear or anxiety. That’s what we’re here for!