When you visit Bottletree Animal Hospital, you’ll notice something a little different. We routinely scan every dog and cat who comes in for their appointments—and we do it in the hospital to raise awareness. Routine pet microchip scanning helps ensure the microchip is active, has not roamed, and maintains the owner’s current contact information. Our veterinarians and team strongly support cat and dog microchipping for every pet. We use HomeAgain microchips and even help you register on their online database before you leave. With a microchip, your pet has a permanent link back to you. Call us today at (662) 234-4336 to make an appointment today.
Membership Benefits with HomeAgain
When you become a member of HomeAgain (for a nominal monthly fee) you also receive other benefits. HomeAgain offers membership services that help reunite you and your pet and foster a stronger human-animal bond. Some of their services include:
- Registration in their national pet recovery database (which we set up in the clinic and you can access and update yourself, all for free)
- Access to lost pet specialists
- Lost pet alerts and personalized lost pet posters that you can use in your search
- 24/7 emergency vet hotline staffed with licensed ASPCA vets to help with any medical pet emergency
Microchip Plus Smart Products Equals Happy Pets and Owners
HomeAgain microchips are also incredibly useful in your home. They pair perfectly with smart products that only work when the right pet comes along to activate it. So far, products include both food bowls and pet doors. If you have multiple pets who don’t (and probably shouldn’t!) have the same access to food or your backyard, these products could be perfect for you.